By John W. Lillpop
Those who genuinely care about our great nation, are justifiably outraged that the Mexican government blatantly refuses to respect American sovereignty and rule of law.
Even more distressing: The fact that the Obama administration, the Democrat Party, as well RINO members of the GOP, share Mexico's utter contempt for American citizens.
Those who advocate enforcement of laws and border security are often smeared as racist jingoists. Former Speaker of the U.S. House Nancy Pelosi even suggested that such people are some how un-American!
Mexican born musician Carlos Santana in Atlanta to receive an award prior to a Major League Baseball game, said that Arizona and the city of Atlanta should be "ashamed" for passing immigration bills!
Santana who enjoys enormous fame and fortune due to America, is the one who should be "ashamed" that tens of millions of " his people" have invaded America!
For perspective, Santana would also do well to consider Mexican law and practices with respect to illegal aliens. He would (or should) be "ashamed" at how his beloved Mexico mistreats and abuses (including murder and rape)illegal aliens.
Santana should also hang his head in shame at the fact that Amnesty International has declared Mexico’s treatment of illegals as a “humanitarian crisis!”
Back here in America, illegal aliens are often defended as goodhearted, hardworking folks who come to America because they share our values.
Former President George W. Bush, by all accounts a good and decent man, refused to enforce immigration laws and secure the borders based on his personal belief that illegals migrate north because of a burning desire for the liberties and freedoms which accrue to those who live in our American Democracy.
However, President Bush never answered the following question: If illegal aliens love America and our values so much, why do they blatantly defy the rule of law, a basic foundation of our blessed Democracy?
In truth, illegals do not invade because they share common values or pine for the freedoms found in a robust Democracy.
Illegals come to take public services—education, health care, welfare, food stamps and the like--to which they are not entitled, and which cost U.S. taxpayers more than $100 billion of each year.
Illegal immigration is really all about the redistribution of wealth from American citizens to poorly-educated, impoverished, third-world, non-English speaking invaders from our south.
Its about millions of illegal foreigners deciding, unilaterally, to move to America for their own enrichment, with no concern for the impact that their invasions will have on American citizens.
As to common values. , most Americans are NOT criminals—all illegal aliens are.
Most Americans speak English—most illegal aliens refuse to learn the American language.
In addition, many illegals justify their snubbing of our borders and immigration laws with the belief that parts of the U.S. still belong to Mexico.
They come not to share in the “American Dream,” but to reclaim property which they naively believe to still be part of Mexico.
As everyone knows, the Mexican government bitterly opposes efforts to stem the flow of illegal aliens from Mexico into America. That government has even threatened to take the United States to the UN because a proposed fence at the at the border.
A fence that would be built by Americans on American soil using American money!
However, when it comes to illegal aliens going into Mexico from countries south of its border, the Mexican government has absolutely zero tolerance. No driver’s licenses, in-state tuition, or any of the other perks that American politicians bestow on Mexicans here illegally.
Fact is, illegal aliens in Mexico are regarded as felons by the government, treated accordingly, and are deported as quickly as possible.
America officials should do the same to the scores millions of aliens here illegally.
To claim that America is somehow “blessed” to have a third-world neighbor that does nothing as millions of its citizens are dumped on the backs of U.S. taxpayers is outrageous and irresponsible.
No other nation on earth would tolerate a “neighbor” like Mexico—and neither should America!
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