Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Obama “Address” on Debt Ceiling: Unpaid Political Spam!

By John W. Lillpop

Traditionally, the announcement that the “President will address the nation at 9PM this evening,” is delivered in somber tones with classical music in the background, and means that:

( )America is about to engage in Kinetic Military Action (War, in American English); or

( )America has been attacked, like on 9-11-01, 12-07-41; or

( )A high-value enemy combatant (Osama bin Laden) has been killed, and the evil carcass has already disposed of at sea; or

( )President caught lying is getting the hell out of Washington before being removed from office (Richard Millhouse Nixon).

Those used to be the rules of engagement for major addresses from the president.

Until Monday night, that is.

In yet another atrocious misjudgment of epic proportions, Barack Obama has altered the storied “Address to the Nation” from a unifying, inspirational message into a tawdry campaign stop where the incumbent attacks political enemies for disagreeing with him, and does so on the dimes of networks and cable companies.

The real tragedy is that, while Obama was delivering his “Collateral Damage” warning and John Boehner was responding in equally-irritating style, no one was working on the bloody debt-crisis!

In his coast-to-coast political attack on the GOP, Obama used all the catch phrases and cliches to get those “phones ringing,”-- at the office of Speaker Boehner.

Repeatedly, The One uttered the words “Fair Share” and “balanced” to convince the American people that a monthly federal deficit of $100 billion or so is not so much a spending problem, as it is a major rip-off by those who already pay 90 percent of all taxes and whom should be forced to pay even more to fund unneeded, liberal spending programs.

That argument, in a society where most pay zero—nada, none—in income taxes, is specious, at best!

If Obama really gave a tinker’s dam about the economy and the public debt, he would work to close the outrageous loopholes that allow 51 percent of working people to pay NO TAXES!

Regardless of how warped the progressive mind may be, the fact is that zero is NOT a “fair share” for anyone!

Any future Obama “Address to the Nation” must be carefully reviewed by cable and network executives to assure that the integrity of the medium is maintained.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Is AAA Credit Good or Bad for America?

By John W. Lillpop

Worried about August 2 and the financial “Armageddon” that will allegedly wipe out the U.S. and the world if the debt-ceiling is not raised by then?

Forget August 2, patriot!

Thanks to genius unleashed in Washington D.C., the drop dead mark has been moved up to 4pm, EST.


According to financial wizards(the same who failed to keep America from falling into this mess to begin with), the Congress must solve the crisis by this afternoon in order to prevent the “markets” from melting down in Asia, and snowballing into complete disaster on Wall Street come Monday.

Thus, Congressional critters are working this Sunday in a heated rush to show Asia that Yankee ingenuity and Exceptionalism are still formidable, the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama notwithstanding.

But would America actually be better off if our vaunted AAA credit rating was knocked down a notch or two?

As it now stands, America is cursed by the presence of Democrats in the White House and U.S. Senate who refuse to accept the fact that reckless, irresponsible spending must be halted in order to assure the long-term solvency of the American economy, and our democracy itself.

Yet, despite all the warnings, Democrats continue to pursue the “spend and tax agenda” that has America reeling out of control and on the brink of bankruptcy.

Part of the “problem” may be our cherished AAA credit rating, which makes it possible for Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Barack Obama to continue the pattern of spending like drunken sailors with impunity.

Default and downgrade, unthinkable to most, might just provide the medicine needed to treat the liberal addiction to excessive spending.

Would America be better off, in the long-term, if the ability of our government to borrow additional sums, which we cannot afford, was involuntarily reduced by downgrade of our credit?

At least until the American people can remove woefully ignorant and reckless progressives from the White House and Senate in November 2012?

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Another Kinky Sex Scandal Involving a Pelosi Democrat in the U.S. House!

By John W. Lillpop

Malcontent Democrats in elective office continue to make criminal news headlines with their untoward forwardness.

The latest lapse in Democrat morality comes from Oregon where Re. David Wu allegedly resorted to illicit behavior when he was unable to woo the lass of his affections using only his God-given charms.

Wu's woo fell short leading to big dodo, as reported at the reference in part:

“Rep. David Wu has been accused of an “unwanted sexual encounter” with the teenage daughter of a longtime friend, the latest scandal to engulf the troubled Oregon Democrat.

The Oregonian reported that the 56-year-old Wu acknowledged a sexual encounter to his senior aides but insisted it was consensual,” according to sources aware of the incident.

The unidentified teenager and her family did not file any criminal complaint over the incident, which apparently took place sometime around last Thanksgiving.

Calling the episode “very serious,” Wu did not specifically address allegations that he made unwanted sexual advances toward the young woman who is the daughter of a donor.

“This is very serious, and I have absolutely no desire to bring unwanted publicity, attention or stress to a young woman and her family,” Wu said.”

Among the most pathetic of Wu’s lulus is when he said, “This is very serious, and I have absolutely no desire to bring unwanted publicity, attention or stress to a young woman and her family,” Wu said.”

It’s bad enough to assault the young lass, Representative Wu, but to then hide behind her skirt is unforgivable and all too typical of a perverted Democrat!

Shame on you, Wu!


Friday, July 22, 2011

What the Hell Are Obama and Boehner Discussing in all Those Meetings??

By John W. Lillpop

Call me a skeptic, cynic, or even a Doubting Thomas when it comes to the secret, private meetings allegedly taking place at the White House between President Obama and Speaker John Boehner about the debt-ceiling crisis.

For several weeks now, the media have reported that these two “public servants” have sequestered themselves somewhere in the White House for hours of one-on-one negotiations, undertaken to end the bitter stalemate over raising the debt-ceiling, thereby avoiding a default come August 2.

Obama and Boehner have allegedly worked late into nights and on weekends, in addition to hours spent blabbing on the telephone.

The two even held a highly celebrated and public negotiation on the golf course, along with VP Biden and Ohio Governor John Kasich.

While it is undeniable that the issue is hugely sensitive and a veritable political land mine for all involved, the fact is that Obama is stridently opposed to any and all spending cuts while Boehner is just as adamant in opposing taxes, or anything remotely resembling same.

So why the hell does it take these two powerful men hours and hours on end to keep saying, “Keep your slimy Republican hands off Social Security and Medicare!” in Obama’s case, and “Read my lips—no new or old taxes!” in Boehner’s case?

Suspicious minds want to know!

A conspiracy theory worth considering: Both Obama and Boehner know that America’s financial mess is so icky that the only way out is through default and bankruptcy. No other solution is viable, nothing else will work.

So why the hours and hours of torture behind closed doors?

It’s all a façade, folks! The President and Speaker have conceded that America will tank on August 3, but are engaging in these phantom meetings to give the appearance of working their fingers to the bones to avoid the default pain.

In truth, the president and Boehner shoot hoops in the White House gym for an hour or so, or until Boehner, a heavy smoker, collapses. Boehner then goes home, after logging out on the official White House visitor record.

There are no marathon meetings between these two powerful leaders, except for games of HORSE, inevitably won by the president!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Why Conservatives MUST Call Obama’s Bluff!

By John W. Lillpop

Republicans, notwithstanding their differing views on strategy and tactics, are on the cusp of a historic victory over irresponsible deficit spending and big government tyranny.

However, in order to save America from financial ruin, conservatives MUST call Obama’s bluff and do so in a manner that gives the President a face-saving “out.”

The key is recognizing the emotional impact of Obama’s fear-mongering threat against social security.

Remember, please this vital truth: Social Security is the Holy Grail of the Democrat Party.

NOTHING is more sacred to the left than pumping out those benefit checks every month!

Obama will NEVER aid or abet in preventing checks from being delivered as scheduled in August.

Call Obama’s bluff—and watch him scramble for his political life. In short order, the president will be in Speaker Boehener’s office begging for an “out” of his social security crisis.

Republicans will then be in a position to really tackle the deficit without worrying about the taxes mantra.

When the victory is sealed, Republicans must not chortle nor delight publicly about defeating the One.

Rather, Obama must be allowed a respectable out which he can parlay into the Democrat votes needed to pass the House and Senate.

March forward, Republicans, and call the Obama bluff. Then celebrate victory with respect and decorum.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Obama Needs to Listen to and Follow Lead of Intelligent Leaders!

By John W. Lillpop

President Obama is getting plenty of free tutelage these days from both sides of the political spectrum concerning his infantile, hussy-fit approach to solving the debt-ceiling crisis.

The first pearl of wisdom comes from Joe Walsh, who just happens to be the U.S. Representative for the North Suburban neighborhood of Chicago.

Walsh tells Obama: “quit lying” which is about as forthright as one can get.
The Walsh message is described in part below and is seen at the You Tube link in reference one:

CHICAGO (CBS) – North suburban Republican Congressman Joe Walsh has a new YouTube video on his website – where he tells President Barack Obama to “quit lying” about the impact of not raising the national debt ceiling by Aug. 2.

In a nearly three-minute video released Wednesday, Walsh says, “President Obama, quit lying.” He claims there is plenty of money to pay federal debts and cover the costs of social security benefits, even if the debt ceiling isn’t raised by the deadline.

Obama has said the nation will default if Congress doesn’t raise the national debt ceiling to $14.3 trillion by Aug. 2. The president told CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley that he could not guarantee that Social Security checks would go out next month if a deal on the debt wasn’t reached.

Walsh says that’s not true, but Republican leaders don’t dispute it. However, they have disagreed with the White House on the best way to make up for more borrowing. The president wants to raise taxes on the wealthy , but Republicans favor major cuts in spending.”

Meanwhile, in the great state of Minnesota, Governor Mark Dayton has stepped up and exerted leadership in order to end the government shutdown in that state.

As reported, in part, at Reference 2:

ST. PAUL, Minn. (FOX 9) - Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton and Republican
leaders are returning to budget talks, with a 2 p.m. meeting in Dayton’s office.

The meeting comes after the governor sent a letter Thursday morning to House Speaker Kurt Zellers and Senate Majority Leader Amy Koch, saying he "reluctantly" agrees to accept the Republican budget proposal from June 30 if it will end the government shutdown .

“Despite my serious reservations about your plan, I have concluded that continuing the state government shutdown would be even more destructive for too many Minnesotans,” Dayton wrote in the letter.

“Therefore, I am willing to agree to something I do not agree with – your proposal – in order to spare our citizens and our state from further damage.”

Dayton said accepting the offer, with conditions, would bridge a $1.4 billion gap between him and the Republican leadership without any more drastic cuts to essential services.

"If this gets resolved and gets Minnesota back to work in the next few days, then it doesn't matter what people say about me,” Dayton said.”

Now THAT is a selfless politician doing what is best for the people, rather than storming out of negotiations and crying “enough is enough.”

Joe Walsh and Mark Dayton: Showing the way for a community organizer stuck in the quagmire of his own ego and press clippings.

Listen and learn, President Obama!

Reference 1

Reference 2

Read more: Dayton Agrees to Republican Budget to End Minnesota Shutdown