Saturday, December 31, 2011

Time for Nancy Pelosi to Fulfill Promise to “Drain Swamp”—By Retiring!

By John W. Lillpop

Remember when Nancy Pelosi preached with righteous indignation about the need to “Drain the Swamp” in the U.S. House? She was, of course, referring only to corruption and scandal involving Republicans.

Indeed, Pelosi’s swamp cleaner failed to eradicate the likes of Charles Rangel, Maxine Waters, and Anthony Weiner.

Most significantly, Madam Speaker’s cleaning project left one particularly abusive member unscathed: Pelosi herself.

In a bit of great news, that oversight may be corrected in 2012. As reported in the media:

If Alexandra Pelosi knows her mother well, Christmas may have come just a few days late for Republicans.

Nancy Pelosi's daughter says her mother is ready to leave Congress but her donors won't let her.

"She would retire right now, if the donors she has didn’t want her to stay so badly," the younger Pelosi said in a phone interview with the website Big Government. "They know she wants to leave, though. They think she's destined for the wilderness. She has very few days left."

But Nadeam Elshami, a spokesman for Pelosi, told Politico that the former Speaker's daughter doesn't know what she is talking about.

"This may be wishful thinking on the part of a right-wing blog, but it is totally untrue," Elshami said. "When the day comes and Leader Pelosi’s work is done, she won’t be announcing it there."

The San Francisco-based Minority Leader is 71-years-old and has created a legacy as being one of the more polarizing liberal leaders.

She became the first woman to act as the Speaker of the House and she may reclaim that seat if the Democrats are able to take the House back next year.

Pelosi SHOULD retire to “spend more time with family” or to move on to areas where greater contributions can be made to humankind.

Forget about your base of “donors,” Nancy, and do the right thing for the American people and the future of America!

Finish draining the swamp by getting the hell out of the U.S. House!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Jon Corzine: Another Corrupt, Inept Lefty Down!

By John W. Lillpop

Jon Corzine is one of the more contemptible weasels who earns a living by practicing financial malfeasance on a grand scale. So contemptible is he that deserves his own “Occupy” movement—Occupy Jon Corzine has a nice ring to it, no?

This wrong-minded Democrat, a huge supporter of Barack Obama, has been an equal opportunity destroyer in both government and the private sector in recent times.

As Governor of New Jersey, Corzine drove that state into financial ruin until voters elected Republican Chris Christie to clean-up the tax and spend mess drenched in the DNA of Jon Corzine.

Then it was back to the private sector and a stint as CEO and Chairman of MF Global Holdings.

Before much time passed, Corzine’s failure skills surfaced again, leading MF to bankruptcy as reported at reference 1 in part:

Jon Corzine has resigned as MF Global Holdings chief executive officer and chairman, the brokerage firm said Friday.

The former New Jersey governor and Goldman Sachs chief confirmed he will not seek severance pay in connection with his resignation from the bank, which filed for bankruptcy protection on Monday.

In the press release, Corzine said: “I have voluntarily offered my resignation to the board of directors of MF Global. This was a difficult decision, but one that I believe is best for the firm and its stakeholders.

“I feel great sadness for what has transpired at MF Global and the impact it has had on the firm’s clients, employees and many others, " he said in the statement. “I intend to continue to assist the company and its board in their efforts to respond to regulatory inquiries and issues related to the disposition of the firm’s assets.”
Reports circulated earlier had the fallen Corzine in line for a $12 million dollar bonus as a part of his severance. Apparently, common sense descended on the parties and the latest report has Corzine leaving without severance pay, which is more than he deserves given the fact that handcuffs and jail could have been applied.

Corzine’s heart-warming assurance that “I intend to continue to assist the company and its board in their efforts to respond to regulatory inquiries and issues related to the disposition of the firm’s assets,” should be viewed by as a direct threat to MF and its associates by an obviously disgruntled former employee.

So with MF vanquished, what is next for the bearded failure? A big role in the reelection campaign for Barack Obama perhaps?

In the interest of assuring that Obama is sent into permanent retirement on January 20, 2013, one can only hope and pray that Jon Corzine plays a huge role in the 2012 campaign!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

When It Comes to Michael Moore, Less Is More Better!

By John W. Lillpop

Someone famous once said about Oakland, California, “There’s No There There!”

All of that changed recently when that world-class hypocrite known as Michael Moore invaded the East Bay town in order to connect, spiritually, with the poor souls of “Occupy Oakland,” those abused 99 % whose reality is that of abject poverty and deprivation, conditions that Moore has obviously avoided given his blubber-blasted bum and face.

Although Moore is a rich and powerful media elitist of the hated 1% variety, that truth did not prevent the bloated lefty from speaking out against those who share his privileged station in life.

As reported at the reference, in part:

“OAKLAND, Calif. - Filmmaker Michael Moore told anti-Wall Street protesters in Oakland that the Occupy movement - which has spread to cities across America and overseas - in inspiring millions who are angry about corporate excess, income inequality and the failure of politicians to address issues facing the majority of Americans.

Addressing about 1,000 Occupy Oakland protesters in front of City Hall Friday, Moore said the week's events in Oakland will go down as a "watershed moment" in the Occupy Wall Street movement.”

EARTH TO MICHAEL! Rather than polluting the air over Oakland with hypocrisy and liberal pap, why take a more active role in assisting the ‘Occupy Oakland’ masses?

For example, announce that you will undertake a personal “Hunger Strike” until banks and corporations, excluding only firms that fund left- wing “documentaries,” swear off profits all together.

Moore could further lead by example by donating the money he would normally spend on food and drink each day (reportedly hundreds of dollars) to the “Occupy Oakland” trust fund, thereby providing reliable financial support for the 99 % crowd, indefinitely.

Do it Michael, if not for your Occupy Oakland friends, then for your overtaxed heart which is desperate for “Less Moore” to lug around!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hollywood Elitists Granted Waivers from "Occupy Mania" As Obama Mines for Gold!

By John W. Lillpop

In the midst of the most serious wealth gap between “Haves” and Have nots” in U.S. history, one would expect America’s self-proclaimed “Middle Class Warrior” to spend his time in venues like East Los Angeles, Watts , or perhaps Bell, where poverty and the “Have Not” status are proudly displayed as a badge of honor.

Unfortunately for the impoverished souls in those communities, President Obama chose to rub elbows with the “Have” abusers in Hollywood.

As reported at the reference:

Actor Will Smith and basketball legend Earvin "Magic" Johnson for dinner and Melanie Griffith and Antonio Banderas for post-meal canapes. President Barack Obama waded into the domain of the stars Monday as he hit the California fundraising circuit in one of his busiest donor outreach trips of the season.

About 40 contributors, including actress Hilary Duff, contributed $35,800 each for a cozy dinner and a chance to chat with the president. Obama, eager to reinvigorate his supporters, ticked off his administration's accomplishments.

"Sometimes I think people forget how much has gotten done," the president said as he urged his backers to rally once again, at the same time joking, as he often does, that he is older and grayer now. "This election won't be as sexy as the first one."

The dinner, followed by a larger affair at the home of Griffith and Banderas, were part of a three-day, fundraising-rich swing through Nevada, California and Colorado. California, however, is his biggest donor state and he raised about $1 million in the Los Angeles area alone during the past two fundraising quarters, according to an Associated Press review of contributions above $200.

The Las Vegas fundraiser attracted about 240 people who paid from $1,000 to $35,800 toward Obama's re-election campaign and to the Democratic National Committee. The bigger donors met the president personally.”

In a dinner dominated by Latino “haves” the president received wild cheers as he spoke about immigration reform, a promise from 2008 that he has not been able to keep.

For the record, during his pep talk to Latinos, the president did NOT boast about the record number of deportations processed by his administration.

Nor did he reach out to East Los Angeles, Bell or any of the other havens for the “Have Not” populace.

Thus the question, Where was the “Occupy Hollywood” crowd?

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Corporate Greed+Obama Incompetence=Campaign Bundlers Trump Taxpayers!

By John W. Lillpop

The Solyndra fiasco is living proof that government, especially when big and in the hands of spending-addicted, foolish liberals, should never be permitted to meddle in the world of commercial business.

This is true because people like Barack Obama are utterly ill-informed and lack the common sense needed to make sound decisions when it comes to investing taxpayer money.

Solyndra is the nightmare scenario where Obama’s hatred for oil and gasoline and all fossil fuels, combined with his obsession for PC -alternative energy, caused the administration to flush more than $500 million dollars (YOUR money, Patriot!) down the drain by investing in a company that ultimately filed bankruptcy and fired 1,100 employees.

THAT nightmare in which our naïve, inexperienced, and unqualified president pursued his ill-begotten pay back to campaign donors under the guise of creating jobs!

What will it take to convince our community organizer/president that he is simply out of his league when it comes to actually making sound business decisions?

In sum, Mr. President, You ‘HAVE NEVER BEEN THERE, DONE THAT!’ and should stay out of the way when important business decisions are being made.

Even more disconcerting than Obama’s naïve, goofy bungling, however, is the disclosure that the loan to Solyndra was structured in a manner that subordinates the interests of taxpaying Americans to that of the thugs who bundled campaign donations for Obama’s election.

In simple terms, it means that the Obama wonks placed Obama campaign donors ahead of American taxpayers in the ‘pecking order’ for recovery of money should Solyndra go belly up, which of course it did!

That arrangement is unprecedented and may be criminal.

By the way, why has this news failed to arouse the wrath of the OWS crowd?

Manipulating loan policy to favor greedy corporate interests is NOT OK—even if the greed involves Obama campaign donors!


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Can Predator Drones Save the Obama Presidency?

By John W. Lillpop

Who would have imagined that Barack Obama, America’s Nobel Peace Prize winner and world-renown peace monger, would turn out to be a brutal killer of Islamic bad eggs?

After all, until recently Obama insisted that blabbing with our enemies, AKA, diplomacy, would eliminate the need for dumb wars and violent killings.

Yet in the most dramatic transformation of his persona to date, The One seems to have gone from Talker-in-Chief to Assassin.

Which proves just how devastating approval ratings in the 30s can be to a non-messiah figure facing reelection!

The president’s new image started with the messy removal of Osama bin Laden back on May 1 when Navy Seals invaded bin Laden’s ‘luxury’ digs in Pakistan and proceeded to teach the 6’11” freak a vital lesson about Jihad, American style.

The president’s newly minted, “Don’t Mess With Obama!” toughness continued when Obama ordered what was left of UBL to be dumped into the sea, without last rites or a proper Christian burial.

Even more shockingly, Obama apparently ordered Navy Seals to send bin Laden to the tender-loving-care of 72 virgins without first reading the brutal killer his Miranda Rights, a real no-no to people like Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich.

Then just two days ago, Obama added another notch to his holster by ordering predator drones to free the world of one Anwar al-Awlaki, Al-Queada Chief and American citizen, which is more than can be stated with certitude about BHO himself.

With all the modesty one would expect from a seriously flawed narcissist, Obama hailed the demise of Anwar al-Awlaki as yet another reason why he (Obama) should be reelected.

Surprisingly, Obama failed to mention that the policies and technology which bagged bin Laden and Anwar al-Awlaki were 'inherited' from W.

He did, however, crow with pride that ridding the world of another terrorist was a significant victory for progressive values; albeit, blemished, ever so slightly, by the on-going 'Fast and Furious Scandal' in which he may be complicit in the death of a US border patrol agent.

So, what’s next for America's Nobel Peace Prize winner turned Assassin?

White House insiders, speaking on strict conditions of anonymity, claim that Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and North Korea’s Kim Young Ill may both face time rocky times ahead, especially if the U.S. unemployment rate does not fall dramatically-- and soon!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Why the Hell Are Muslims Allowed to Serve in U.S. Military?

John Lillpop is a 'recovering liberal' who has been clean and sober since 1992 when he last voted for a Democrat. Pray for John: He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area where people like Nancy Pelosi are considered normal.

Why the Hell Are Muslims Allowed to Serve in U.S. Military?
By John W. Lillpop

How many more American soldiers need to be slaughtered in cold blood before those responsible for running the military prohibit Muslims from serving?

That question, as non-PC as one can possibly get, should nonetheless be a priority with anyone who has a loved one or friend now serving.

As indicated at the reference, yet another Muslim posing as an American solider has been arrested for plotting the death of young Americans:

A U.S. soldier who was accused Thursday of planning to attack troops near Fort Hood, Tex., has told investigators that he was acting in support of Maj. Nidal M. Hasan, the Army psychiatrist who has been charged in the killing of 13 people at the base in 2009, according to congressional and federal officials.

Pfc. Naser Abdo, 21, was arrested in Killeen, Tex., after authorities said they discovered bombmaking materials in his motel room, as well as a copy of an article from the al-Qaeda magazine Inspire, which is produced by the terrorist group’s Yemen affiliate.

The officials said Abdo was planning to set off bombs at locations outside the base where soldiers gather and to follow the explosions with gunfire.

“I would classify this as a terror plot,” Police Chief Dennis Baldwin told reporters in Killeen. Law enforcement officials said Abdo would be charged in federal court with possession of bombmaking materials, among other offenses.

The emergence of another alleged plot to attack troops at the same base where Hasan is accused of striking may intensify fears that there is a growing terrorist threat from self-radicalized Americans and raise questions about whether the military can adequately identify internal threats. Hasan was arraigned in military court this month on capital murder charges but has not entered a plea.”

Clearly, because America’s Commander-in-Chief refuses to accept the fact that radical Muslim IS very much a threat to all Americans, the military no longer has the ability to protect the lives and health of young Americans serving their nation!

An urgent message to Rep. Peter King of New York: Please continue to hold hearings on the radicalization of Muslims. Apparently, yours is one of the few voices of sanity on this issue!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Rick Perry: "Undocumented" Liberal!

By John W. Lillpop

Amid all the media excitement generated by Rick Perry’s bluster and swagger into the Republican presidential sweepstakes, a vital fact about the handsome man from Texas is being underreported:

Perry is about as liberal as one can be on the issue of illegal aliens!

After eight long, precarious years under W. and three harrowing years so far under Obama, America needs a president who respects the rule of law and U.S. sovereignty, and who will fight tooth and nail to defend American language and culture from all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

We need a president who will enforce existing laws to defend American citizens from foreign invaders.

We need a president who will listen to the concerns of Americans in states like Arizona, Georgia, Alabama and others who are suffering from the influx of illegal aliens from south of our borders.

We need a president who will abandon partisan politics by joining Arizona and Alabama in their efforts to stop the illicit flow of drugs and illegals into their states.

We need a president who understands that foolish ideas like the DREAM Act, amnesty and other pandering to illegals will only serve to attract another 20 million of so invaders.

Unfortunately, Rick Perry is not that candidate.

As documented by American patriot and hero Tom Tancredo at the reference, Rick Perry is anything but conservative on this issue.

Mr. Tancredo writes, in part:

Perry is eager to separate himself from his predecessor in the Texas governor’s mansion, George W. Bush — who is unpopular with both tea party Republicans and the American electorate as a whole. But one area where Perry’s positions are virtually identical to Bush is immigration.

When I ran for president in 2008, I tried to pressure the Republican candidates to take a hard line against illegal immigration. For this, Perry called me a racist.

When he first took office as governor in 2001, Perry went to Mexico and bragged about his law that granted “the children of undocumented workers” special in-state tuition at Texas colleges, the first state in the nation to do so.

“The message is simple,” Perry concluded, “educacion es el futuro, y si se puede.” Education is the future, and (echoing Cesar Chavez’s slogan) yes we can.]

Just a few weeks ago, Perry defended his decision to give in-state tuition to illegal immigrants. He said “to punish these young Texans for their parents’ actions is not what America has always been about.”

Perry opposed Arizona’s tough anti-illegal immigration law SB 1070. “I have concerns,” he explained, “with portions of the law passed in Arizona and believe it would not be the right direction for Texas.”

He spoke out last year against using E-Verify to prevent illegal immigrants from getting jobs as state employees, who get their paychecks from the taxpayers. He insisted it “would not make a hill of beans’ difference.”

Numbers USA, a group that supports immigration control, gives Perry a “D-“ for his positions supporting amnesty, open borders, and opposing border security.
Perry, in a speech in Mexico in 2007, said he supports completely open borders, calling for the “free flow of individuals between these two countries who want to work and want to be an asset to our country and to Mexico.”

In the same speech he came out against building a fence along the U.S.-Mexican border. Perry also came out in favor of blanket amnesty for illegal immigrants in 2006, albeit without citizenship, supporting “a guest worker program that takes undocumented workers off the black market and legitimizes their economic contribution.”

Despite all his talk about sovereignty and states’ rights, Perry proposed the Trans-Texas Corridor. This toll road would go through Mexico, but be run together with the Mexican government in the middle of Texas.

While Perry opposes the border fence, 68 percent of all voters, and 86 percent of Republicans, support the fence. While Perry opposes the Arizona law, SB 1070, voters want 1070 in their state by a 2-1 margin — including 86 percent of all Republicans.

Perry’s only true conservative positions on borders involve calling for an end to sanctuary cities and signing a voter ID law. While I support these measures, they don’t make up for the rest of his positions on immigration. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.”

As well all know, being right twice a day is not nearly good enough!

Rick Perry: An “undocumented” liberal when it comes to illegal aliens!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Deport Illegal Aliens, Cut Deficit by $1 Trillion Over 10 Years!

By John W. Lillpop

When the "Super Committee" appointed by leaders of the House and Senate convene in September to take on the task of of cutting $1.5 trillion from the federal deficit over the next 10 years, their actions, or inactions, will help answer the question: Will America prosper or perish?

America’s economic problems are rooted in many ways in foolish, imprudent decisions with respect to spending.

An outrageous example is an expense that benefits foreign invaders, those with no legal or moral basis for being here.

I refer to perhaps as many as twenty millionillegal aliens who have ignored America’s borders and immigration laws.

As documented in Reference 1, these people cost American taxpayers $113 billion a year.

Again, illegal aliens, cost American taxpayers $113 billion a year.

As a taxpaying citizen, I wonder why politicians from both sides of the aisle refuse to target this wasteful expense?

Surely, $113 billion a year cannot be too paltry an amount to summon the attention of those responsible for eradicating wasteful spending?

Clearly, the American people would benefit enormously if the federal government would simply enforce existing laws and take action, through deportations, to return illegal aliens to their nations of origin.

In the past, skeptics have argued that mass deportations would be too costly.

However, Department of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs, Nelson Peacock, responding to request from several U.S. Senators, recently (December 3, 2010) wrote the following:

“Our conservative estimate suggests that ICE would require a budget of more than $135 billion to apprehend, detain and remove the nation’s entire illegal immigrant population.”

See reference 2 for the complete statement.

Thus, an investment of $135 billion dollars would yield a savings of $113 billion a year.

Over a period of ten years, that would result in more than $1 trillion dollars for American citizens!

In addition, millions of jobs now filled by illegals would be available for unemployed America citizens, and homeland security would be strengthened by removing individuals about whom little or nothing is known, including possible ties to terrorists.

To help solve the deficit crsis and enhance homeland security as well, members of the Super Committee must require that illegal aliens be deported, thereby freeing America from the extreme financial, employment, and security dangers attendant with a huge population of illegals.

Reference 1:


Reference 2

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Libs to Call for Repeal of ObamaCare, Take Credit for Deficit Reduction?

By John W. Lillpop

The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals failed to drop its hammer on ObamaCare in time for Obama’s birthday which happened on August 4, 1961, allegedly in Honolulu, but more likely in Kenya.

Still, the devastation was overwhelming as described at the reference:

“President Barack Obama's signature healthcare law suffered a setback on Friday when an appeals court ruled that it was unconstitutional to require all Americans to buy insurance or face a penalty.

The U.S. Appeals Court for the 11th Circuit, based in Atlanta, ruled 2 to 1 that Congress exceeded its authority by requiring Americans to buy coverage, but it unanimously reversed a lower court decision that threw out the entire law.

The legality of the individual mandate, a cornerstone of the healthcare law, is widely expected to be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court. Opponents have argued that without the mandate, which goes into effect in 2014, the entire law falls.

The law, adopted by Congress in 2010 after a bruising battle, is expected to be a major political issue in the 2012 elections as Obama seeks another term. All the major Republican presidential candidates have opposed it.

Obama has championed the individual mandate as a major accomplishment of his presidency and as a way to try to slow the soaring costs of healthcare while expanding coverage to the more than 30 million Americans without it.”

Despite the bitter disappointment felt by those on the left, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid tried to make lemonade from the ObamaCare lemon with this proposal(satire):

This ruling is disconcerting particularly in light of the terrorism visited on the American people by the Tea Party loonies recently.

Nonetheless, we are willing to work with the hand we have been dealt.
Accordingly, when the Super Committee kicks off next month, I will recommend that the savings from NOT implementing ObamaCare be credited to our side as a huge chunk of the $1.5 trillion in required deficit reductions.

We ARE the party of fiscal responsibility!

And so it goes from the Party that creates financial monsters only to claim victory when those same monsters are destroyed!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Remember the “Osama bin Laden” Bounce?

By John W. Lillpop

It was on May 1 that President Obama stood before microphones and television cameras at the White House to announce the assassination of Osama bin Laden, former CEO of Terrorism, Inc. and leader of the Al-Quaeda branch of the Religion of Peace.

Obama’s announcement set off a spontaneous round of thundering jingoism and celebration from coast-to-coast, including on college campuses where young college students rallied and chanted, “We’re Number 1!, We’re Number 1!” expressions of pride normally reserved for really important matters like an important basketball or football victory over a bitter rival.

The next morning, America was still celebrating wildly. So much so that Joy Behar and Barbara Walters of the View proposed that the 2012 elections should be cancelled because of Obama’s newly earned stature as America’s Killer Dude-In-Chief.

By giving orders which caused Navy SEALS to splatter the personage of bin Laden directly to Allah in about 100 bloody pieces, the Barack Obama presidency was instantly rescued from the dustbin of failure and consigned to the “can’t miss for re-election” category.”

Behar and Walters could barely contain their glee as they contemplated Act 2 of the worst presidency in history:

View co-hosts Joy Behar and Barbara Walters on Monday immediately politicized the killing of terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden. After giving credit to Barack Obama for the successful strike, supposedly straight journalist Walters giddily announced, "I would hate now to be a Republican candidate thinking of running."

Fast forward just 90 days or so and you have a weakened President who, by “leading from behind,” has driven America to the brink of default and, having failed to accomplish that nasty deed, still managed to preside over the first credit downgrade in U.S. history.

Now instead of basking in the glory of a stunning military coup over an unarmed wimp in hiding, Obama has been reduced to watching the stock market collapse on national TV while he blames Republicans and Standards and Poor’s for the awful financial mess inherited from George W. Bush.

Sorry, Joy and Barbara, but as things stand today, canceling the remaining 14 months of Obama’s presidency seems the most prudent course for America, given the fact that 73% of the public believe that the nation is headed in the wrong direction!

Read more:

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Unto Ye Is Born a Community Organizer, Come to Save the World!

Satire by John W. Lillpop

August 4, 1961.

A day that will live in infamy along with December 7, 1941 and September 11, 2001?

Or should America be celebrating the birth of Barack Hussein Obama with the same gusto, reverence, and passion reserved for Christmas?

Do we Americans need a new national holiday--Barackmas--to celebrate this most special birthday?

Under this tax and deficit neutral scheme, everyone would get August 4th off. A small $500 "gratitude fee" would collected by DNC workers to pay for the frolicking.

If all of this sounds far fetched, please consider the following scrolls found in Mohamed Attah's safe deposit box at the Bank of Baghdad:

And He Shall Be Called Barack, The Anointed One:

"And it came to pass, in the appointed time, that a child was c born unto a humble servant of Allah in a land called Kenya. And the assembled 72 virgin angels tended to the mother and child, and sang in unison in praise of Allah for blessing the Faithful with this most holy of beings.

"And the virgin angels saith unto his mother, "Take ye this new born, the most favored of Allah, to an island where trade winds blow and birth certificates are fungible.

"He shall be called Barack, which means the Anointed One, and his birthplace shall be recorded as Honolulu to protect Faithful Kenyans from the ravages of evil crusaders, who will be known as "birthers."

"His powers shall be great and he shall be called upon to deliver the Faithful from the ravages of a dyslexic cowboy from Texas who destroyed many Muslims in order to shield Zionist pigs from justice.

"That evil man is the anti-Allah who hides behind a Bush to escape exposure. He must be blamed for all manner of sin and Barack must be held blameless for all woes to visit America, the home of the unfaithful and the land of the fraud."

"The Anointed One shall bring with him a sword with which to slay the moguls of capitalism and free the unwashed masses from insurance companies, Wall Street tycoons, automobile corporations and other agents of tyranny, except for labor unions which shall be rewarded and encouraged to multiple in great numbers, Allah willing.

"His enemies will be many and powerful, but none shall prevail.

"The Anointed One shall reign over America for eight years, or until the US Treasury runs out of money, whichever comes first.

"Go ye, therefore, two by two and preach the Gospel of Barack near and far to all who would hear you. To those who would not abide you, shake the dust from your feet and report the incident to the nearest ACORN center.

"Declare the good news to all, being this: On this night in a lonely mud hut in Kenya, Allah delivered unto us a child to rebuke all that malarkey about a baby Jew birthed by a virgin come to save the world."

And his name shall be BARACK, and he shall be Allah's gift to the Faithful.

Amen and amen!"

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Obama “Address” on Debt Ceiling: Unpaid Political Spam!

By John W. Lillpop

Traditionally, the announcement that the “President will address the nation at 9PM this evening,” is delivered in somber tones with classical music in the background, and means that:

( )America is about to engage in Kinetic Military Action (War, in American English); or

( )America has been attacked, like on 9-11-01, 12-07-41; or

( )A high-value enemy combatant (Osama bin Laden) has been killed, and the evil carcass has already disposed of at sea; or

( )President caught lying is getting the hell out of Washington before being removed from office (Richard Millhouse Nixon).

Those used to be the rules of engagement for major addresses from the president.

Until Monday night, that is.

In yet another atrocious misjudgment of epic proportions, Barack Obama has altered the storied “Address to the Nation” from a unifying, inspirational message into a tawdry campaign stop where the incumbent attacks political enemies for disagreeing with him, and does so on the dimes of networks and cable companies.

The real tragedy is that, while Obama was delivering his “Collateral Damage” warning and John Boehner was responding in equally-irritating style, no one was working on the bloody debt-crisis!

In his coast-to-coast political attack on the GOP, Obama used all the catch phrases and cliches to get those “phones ringing,”-- at the office of Speaker Boehner.

Repeatedly, The One uttered the words “Fair Share” and “balanced” to convince the American people that a monthly federal deficit of $100 billion or so is not so much a spending problem, as it is a major rip-off by those who already pay 90 percent of all taxes and whom should be forced to pay even more to fund unneeded, liberal spending programs.

That argument, in a society where most pay zero—nada, none—in income taxes, is specious, at best!

If Obama really gave a tinker’s dam about the economy and the public debt, he would work to close the outrageous loopholes that allow 51 percent of working people to pay NO TAXES!

Regardless of how warped the progressive mind may be, the fact is that zero is NOT a “fair share” for anyone!

Any future Obama “Address to the Nation” must be carefully reviewed by cable and network executives to assure that the integrity of the medium is maintained.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Is AAA Credit Good or Bad for America?

By John W. Lillpop

Worried about August 2 and the financial “Armageddon” that will allegedly wipe out the U.S. and the world if the debt-ceiling is not raised by then?

Forget August 2, patriot!

Thanks to genius unleashed in Washington D.C., the drop dead mark has been moved up to 4pm, EST.


According to financial wizards(the same who failed to keep America from falling into this mess to begin with), the Congress must solve the crisis by this afternoon in order to prevent the “markets” from melting down in Asia, and snowballing into complete disaster on Wall Street come Monday.

Thus, Congressional critters are working this Sunday in a heated rush to show Asia that Yankee ingenuity and Exceptionalism are still formidable, the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama notwithstanding.

But would America actually be better off if our vaunted AAA credit rating was knocked down a notch or two?

As it now stands, America is cursed by the presence of Democrats in the White House and U.S. Senate who refuse to accept the fact that reckless, irresponsible spending must be halted in order to assure the long-term solvency of the American economy, and our democracy itself.

Yet, despite all the warnings, Democrats continue to pursue the “spend and tax agenda” that has America reeling out of control and on the brink of bankruptcy.

Part of the “problem” may be our cherished AAA credit rating, which makes it possible for Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Barack Obama to continue the pattern of spending like drunken sailors with impunity.

Default and downgrade, unthinkable to most, might just provide the medicine needed to treat the liberal addiction to excessive spending.

Would America be better off, in the long-term, if the ability of our government to borrow additional sums, which we cannot afford, was involuntarily reduced by downgrade of our credit?

At least until the American people can remove woefully ignorant and reckless progressives from the White House and Senate in November 2012?

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Another Kinky Sex Scandal Involving a Pelosi Democrat in the U.S. House!

By John W. Lillpop

Malcontent Democrats in elective office continue to make criminal news headlines with their untoward forwardness.

The latest lapse in Democrat morality comes from Oregon where Re. David Wu allegedly resorted to illicit behavior when he was unable to woo the lass of his affections using only his God-given charms.

Wu's woo fell short leading to big dodo, as reported at the reference in part:

“Rep. David Wu has been accused of an “unwanted sexual encounter” with the teenage daughter of a longtime friend, the latest scandal to engulf the troubled Oregon Democrat.

The Oregonian reported that the 56-year-old Wu acknowledged a sexual encounter to his senior aides but insisted it was consensual,” according to sources aware of the incident.

The unidentified teenager and her family did not file any criminal complaint over the incident, which apparently took place sometime around last Thanksgiving.

Calling the episode “very serious,” Wu did not specifically address allegations that he made unwanted sexual advances toward the young woman who is the daughter of a donor.

“This is very serious, and I have absolutely no desire to bring unwanted publicity, attention or stress to a young woman and her family,” Wu said.”

Among the most pathetic of Wu’s lulus is when he said, “This is very serious, and I have absolutely no desire to bring unwanted publicity, attention or stress to a young woman and her family,” Wu said.”

It’s bad enough to assault the young lass, Representative Wu, but to then hide behind her skirt is unforgivable and all too typical of a perverted Democrat!

Shame on you, Wu!


Friday, July 22, 2011

What the Hell Are Obama and Boehner Discussing in all Those Meetings??

By John W. Lillpop

Call me a skeptic, cynic, or even a Doubting Thomas when it comes to the secret, private meetings allegedly taking place at the White House between President Obama and Speaker John Boehner about the debt-ceiling crisis.

For several weeks now, the media have reported that these two “public servants” have sequestered themselves somewhere in the White House for hours of one-on-one negotiations, undertaken to end the bitter stalemate over raising the debt-ceiling, thereby avoiding a default come August 2.

Obama and Boehner have allegedly worked late into nights and on weekends, in addition to hours spent blabbing on the telephone.

The two even held a highly celebrated and public negotiation on the golf course, along with VP Biden and Ohio Governor John Kasich.

While it is undeniable that the issue is hugely sensitive and a veritable political land mine for all involved, the fact is that Obama is stridently opposed to any and all spending cuts while Boehner is just as adamant in opposing taxes, or anything remotely resembling same.

So why the hell does it take these two powerful men hours and hours on end to keep saying, “Keep your slimy Republican hands off Social Security and Medicare!” in Obama’s case, and “Read my lips—no new or old taxes!” in Boehner’s case?

Suspicious minds want to know!

A conspiracy theory worth considering: Both Obama and Boehner know that America’s financial mess is so icky that the only way out is through default and bankruptcy. No other solution is viable, nothing else will work.

So why the hours and hours of torture behind closed doors?

It’s all a façade, folks! The President and Speaker have conceded that America will tank on August 3, but are engaging in these phantom meetings to give the appearance of working their fingers to the bones to avoid the default pain.

In truth, the president and Boehner shoot hoops in the White House gym for an hour or so, or until Boehner, a heavy smoker, collapses. Boehner then goes home, after logging out on the official White House visitor record.

There are no marathon meetings between these two powerful leaders, except for games of HORSE, inevitably won by the president!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Why Conservatives MUST Call Obama’s Bluff!

By John W. Lillpop

Republicans, notwithstanding their differing views on strategy and tactics, are on the cusp of a historic victory over irresponsible deficit spending and big government tyranny.

However, in order to save America from financial ruin, conservatives MUST call Obama’s bluff and do so in a manner that gives the President a face-saving “out.”

The key is recognizing the emotional impact of Obama’s fear-mongering threat against social security.

Remember, please this vital truth: Social Security is the Holy Grail of the Democrat Party.

NOTHING is more sacred to the left than pumping out those benefit checks every month!

Obama will NEVER aid or abet in preventing checks from being delivered as scheduled in August.

Call Obama’s bluff—and watch him scramble for his political life. In short order, the president will be in Speaker Boehener’s office begging for an “out” of his social security crisis.

Republicans will then be in a position to really tackle the deficit without worrying about the taxes mantra.

When the victory is sealed, Republicans must not chortle nor delight publicly about defeating the One.

Rather, Obama must be allowed a respectable out which he can parlay into the Democrat votes needed to pass the House and Senate.

March forward, Republicans, and call the Obama bluff. Then celebrate victory with respect and decorum.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Obama Needs to Listen to and Follow Lead of Intelligent Leaders!

By John W. Lillpop

President Obama is getting plenty of free tutelage these days from both sides of the political spectrum concerning his infantile, hussy-fit approach to solving the debt-ceiling crisis.

The first pearl of wisdom comes from Joe Walsh, who just happens to be the U.S. Representative for the North Suburban neighborhood of Chicago.

Walsh tells Obama: “quit lying” which is about as forthright as one can get.
The Walsh message is described in part below and is seen at the You Tube link in reference one:

CHICAGO (CBS) – North suburban Republican Congressman Joe Walsh has a new YouTube video on his website – where he tells President Barack Obama to “quit lying” about the impact of not raising the national debt ceiling by Aug. 2.

In a nearly three-minute video released Wednesday, Walsh says, “President Obama, quit lying.” He claims there is plenty of money to pay federal debts and cover the costs of social security benefits, even if the debt ceiling isn’t raised by the deadline.

Obama has said the nation will default if Congress doesn’t raise the national debt ceiling to $14.3 trillion by Aug. 2. The president told CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley that he could not guarantee that Social Security checks would go out next month if a deal on the debt wasn’t reached.

Walsh says that’s not true, but Republican leaders don’t dispute it. However, they have disagreed with the White House on the best way to make up for more borrowing. The president wants to raise taxes on the wealthy , but Republicans favor major cuts in spending.”

Meanwhile, in the great state of Minnesota, Governor Mark Dayton has stepped up and exerted leadership in order to end the government shutdown in that state.

As reported, in part, at Reference 2:

ST. PAUL, Minn. (FOX 9) - Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton and Republican
leaders are returning to budget talks, with a 2 p.m. meeting in Dayton’s office.

The meeting comes after the governor sent a letter Thursday morning to House Speaker Kurt Zellers and Senate Majority Leader Amy Koch, saying he "reluctantly" agrees to accept the Republican budget proposal from June 30 if it will end the government shutdown .

“Despite my serious reservations about your plan, I have concluded that continuing the state government shutdown would be even more destructive for too many Minnesotans,” Dayton wrote in the letter.

“Therefore, I am willing to agree to something I do not agree with – your proposal – in order to spare our citizens and our state from further damage.”

Dayton said accepting the offer, with conditions, would bridge a $1.4 billion gap between him and the Republican leadership without any more drastic cuts to essential services.

"If this gets resolved and gets Minnesota back to work in the next few days, then it doesn't matter what people say about me,” Dayton said.”

Now THAT is a selfless politician doing what is best for the people, rather than storming out of negotiations and crying “enough is enough.”

Joe Walsh and Mark Dayton: Showing the way for a community organizer stuck in the quagmire of his own ego and press clippings.

Listen and learn, President Obama!

Reference 1

Reference 2

Read more: Dayton Agrees to Republican Budget to End Minnesota Shutdown

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Use Unemployed Americans to Do Work That Illegal Aliens Will Not Do!

By John W. Lillpop

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, during testimony before the U.S. Senate about DHS enforcement, stated that that the department is not interested in deporting "DREAM Act students."

"We have provided information about what it would take to do removal of everyone in the country. It's obvious that those resources aren't available, …" Napolitano said”

Does Janet Napolitano realize that there are at least 14 million Americans out of work?

Most, if not all, would jump at the opportunity to work on a project to locate and deport illegal aliens back across the U.S. border into Mexico.

Why not allocate funds for a deportation project that would ultimately save taxpayers more than $100 billion a year, while putting unemployed Americans back to work?

There may be many other patriots even willing to work for free as volunteers, just to be a part of the effort to shout out on behalf on American sovereignty, language and culture.

Why not give rule of law a chance and put Americans back to work doing jobs that illegal aliens will not do?

John W. Lillpop
San Jose, California

John W. Lillpop
San Jose, California
John W. Lillpop
San Jose, California

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Spanish "Imposition" Mars Soccer Match, Graduations!

By John W. Lillpop

Hispanic racists refuse to admit that Latinos, including millions of illegal aliens who should not even be here, refuse to assimilate into American culture by learning and speaking English.

The lie to those denials was exposed in abundance by two recent events, one in California the other in Nevada.

The first involved a soccer match between the U.S. and Mexican teams in Los Angeles. Under normal, common-sense circumstances, the U.S. athletes would be the “home” team since the match was in fact in the U.S.


As reported at the reference, the American team was treated as if it were a hostile “visiting” team:

It was imperfectly odd. It was strangely unsettling. It was uniquely American.

On a balmy early Saturday summer evening, the U.S soccer team played for a prestigious championship in a U.S. stadium ... and was smothered in boos.

Its fans were vastly outnumbered. Its goalkeeper was bathed in a chanted obscenity. Even its national anthem was filled with the blowing of air horns and bouncing of beach balls.

Most of these hostile visitors didn't live in another country. Most, in fact, were not visitors at all, many of them being U.S. residents whose lives are here but whose sporting souls remain elsewhere.

Welcome to another unveiling of that social portrait known as a U.S.-Mexico soccer match, streaked as always in deep colors of red, white, blue, green ... and gray.

To add insult to injury, the post-match ceremony was conducted in Spanish, causing U.S. Goalkeeper Tim Howard to remark, “I think it was a [expletive] disgrace that the entire post-match ceremony was in Spanish. You can bet your ass that if we were in Mexico City, it wouldn’t be all in English.”

Right on Mr. Howard! And add a extra dozen expletives for emphasis!

The other incident took place in Nevada where an air-head principal decided that his commencement speech should be blathered in Spanish as well as English:

ZEPHYR COVE, Nev. (CBS13) – He congratulated the graduating class of 2011, but one but one principal’s commencement speech actually offended some in the crowd.

The graduating class at Whittell High School has only 30 students. Just a few weeks ago during graduation their principal gave an encouraging speech congratulating his students and their parents.

“Class of 2011, I want to congratulate you for all your accomplishments this year,” said Principal Crespin Esquivel.

He then said the same thing in Spanish, making sure his commencement speech could also be understood by his Spanish speaking parents and students who make up the second largest group of the school.

“I figured why not do it in Spanish? I think it’s important for me to make sure all the families feel comfortable,” said Esquivel”

Turns out that in his zeal to pander to Hispanics,Esquivel failed to make several Americans comfortable. The woman who complained about Esquivel’s Spanish translation sparked a debate online.

To Esquivel and all of the other renegades behind the Spanish Imposition:

This is America, dudes. We don’t need no stinkin’ Spanish here!


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Monday, June 27, 2011

Illegal Alien Jose Anthony Vargas and The Great Pulitzer Prize Panic of 2011!

Illegal Alien Jose Anthony Vargas and The Great Pulitzer Prize Panic of 2011!

By John W. Lillpop

Those who advocate on behalf on illegal aliens have argued that America simply cannot do without the 12-20 million illegals squatting in our midst.

“Who will pick our fruit?” “Who will mow our lawns, who will wash our cars, clean our lavatories, etc. ,” they rant.

However, things are dramatically different when it comes to illegal alien Jose Anthony Vargas, the Filipino criminal who has lived and lied in America for 18 years.

Rather than asking “Who will pick our fruit?” moon bats arguing for Vargas are crying, “Who will write our Pulitzer Prize winning news stories and articles?”

Apparently, fears of a devastating shortfall of Pulitzer Prize quality writers has driven rule of law skeptics like David Leopold to the edge of insanity with remarks like those below:

“MANILA, Philippines – An official of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) thinks it is highly unlikely that Filipino Pulitzer Prize winner Jose Antonio Vargas will be deported.

David Leopold said, “Jose Vargas is the kind of person that we want in America.”

A lying, cheating criminal who has ignored our immigration laws for 20 years is the sort of bloke that America wants?

Please, the insanity of that is just too much!

To be fair, Vargas does have one thing going for him: He is not an impoverished, unskilled Latino who simply jumped a border fence in Arizona.

Other than that, Vargas is just as despicable and UNWANTED in America as any other illegal alien who cleans toilets or operates a leaf blower eight hours a day!

The simple fact is that Vargas and all of the other 12-20 million invaders come from cultures and societies inferior to American institutions, which means that screening out undesirables is not only preferable, but is, in fact, mandatory.

Still, legal migration to America is available to folks like Vargas.

There exists a path to citizenship that involves examining one’s background for evidence of criminal behavior, for medical exams to determine health status, for determining ability to live independently without becoming a burden on taxpayers, for ties to drug cartels and terrorists, and other inquiry to determine worthiness to join our American family.

This process applies to all would be immigrants, even those who claim to possess Pulitzer Prize writing skills.

Yes, the legal immigration process is exacting and discriminatory, which it must be to protect the interests of American citizens.

America’s immigration laws exist to protect American citizens, not to mine for Pulitzer Prize prospects, grape pickers, or car washers.

Jose Antonio Vargas deserves to be arrested and deported immediately, just like any other criminal invader!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Illegal Immigration: All About Redistribution of Wealth

By John W. Lillpop

Those who genuinely care about our great nation, are justifiably outraged that the Mexican government blatantly refuses to respect American sovereignty and rule of law.

Even more distressing: The fact that the Obama administration, the Democrat Party, as well RINO members of the GOP, share Mexico's utter contempt for American citizens.

Those who advocate enforcement of laws and border security are often smeared as racist jingoists. Former Speaker of the U.S. House Nancy Pelosi even suggested that such people are some how un-American!

Mexican born musician Carlos Santana in Atlanta to receive an award prior to a Major League Baseball game, said that Arizona and the city of Atlanta should be "ashamed" for passing immigration bills!

Santana who enjoys enormous fame and fortune due to America, is the one who should be "ashamed" that tens of millions of " his people" have invaded America!

For perspective, Santana would also do well to consider Mexican law and practices with respect to illegal aliens. He would (or should) be "ashamed" at how his beloved Mexico mistreats and abuses (including murder and rape)illegal aliens.

Santana should also hang his head in shame at the fact that Amnesty International has declared Mexico’s treatment of illegals as a “humanitarian crisis!”

Back here in America, illegal aliens are often defended as goodhearted, hardworking folks who come to America because they share our values.

Former President George W. Bush, by all accounts a good and decent man, refused to enforce immigration laws and secure the borders based on his personal belief that illegals migrate north because of a burning desire for the liberties and freedoms which accrue to those who live in our American Democracy.

However, President Bush never answered the following question: If illegal aliens love America and our values so much, why do they blatantly defy the rule of law, a basic foundation of our blessed Democracy?

In truth, illegals do not invade because they share common values or pine for the freedoms found in a robust Democracy.

Illegals come to take public services—education, health care, welfare, food stamps and the like--to which they are not entitled, and which cost U.S. taxpayers more than $100 billion of each year.

Illegal immigration is really all about the redistribution of wealth from American citizens to poorly-educated, impoverished, third-world, non-English speaking invaders from our south.

Its about millions of illegal foreigners deciding, unilaterally, to move to America for their own enrichment, with no concern for the impact that their invasions will have on American citizens.

As to common values. , most Americans are NOT criminals—all illegal aliens are.

Most Americans speak English—most illegal aliens refuse to learn the American language.

In addition, many illegals justify their snubbing of our borders and immigration laws with the belief that parts of the U.S. still belong to Mexico.

They come not to share in the “American Dream,” but to reclaim property which they naively believe to still be part of Mexico.

As everyone knows, the Mexican government bitterly opposes efforts to stem the flow of illegal aliens from Mexico into America. That government has even threatened to take the United States to the UN because a proposed fence at the at the border.

A fence that would be built by Americans on American soil using American money!

However, when it comes to illegal aliens going into Mexico from countries south of its border, the Mexican government has absolutely zero tolerance. No driver’s licenses, in-state tuition, or any of the other perks that American politicians bestow on Mexicans here illegally.

Fact is, illegal aliens in Mexico are regarded as felons by the government, treated accordingly, and are deported as quickly as possible.

America officials should do the same to the scores millions of aliens here illegally.

To claim that America is somehow “blessed” to have a third-world neighbor that does nothing as millions of its citizens are dumped on the backs of U.S. taxpayers is outrageous and irresponsible.

No other nation on earth would tolerate a “neighbor” like Mexico—and neither should America!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Why Not Calculate Income Tax Based on Moral Values?

By John W. Lillpop

Over the years, Nancy Pelosi has been a rich source for misspeak and gaffes. And, approaching her 71st birthday (in 10 days), Pelosi has not slowed down a bit when it comes to mind-boggling statements.

For example, in addressing the budget crisis and spending cuts, Pelosi recently made it perfectly clear why this nation is $14 trillion dollars in debt, and counting.

She said, “We cut here we cut there to find a middle ground. That may not be enough,” she said, “I think this debate is on a higher ground of our values. It’s not about money. It’s about the morality of what we’re doing.”

Got that? It’s not about money, it’s about morality.

Talk about goofy!

However, I have decided to use Pelosi’s faux pus as the basis for calculating my income taxes for 2010.

Which led to the following correspondence dispatched to the IRS on March 16:

March 16, 2011

Internal Revenue Service Center
Fresno, Ca 94888

Dear Sir or Madam:

Enclosed please find my Federal Income Tax return and all supporting documents for the tax year ended December 31, 2010.

In preparing this return, I have been guided by the words of Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Minority leader of the U.S. House, who has declared that issues like spending cuts and budgets should be based on morality rather than money.

In accordance with the thinking espoused by Pelosi, I have identified several federal programs that are, in my judgement, immoral and unworthy of my continued support.

Specifically, I have determined that federal programs which provide federal funding for illegal aliens, abortions through Planned Parenthood, as well as all support for National Public Radio and PBS and other liberal causes are immoral.

Accordingly, I have adjusted my tax obligations for 2010 to exclude any support for such programs, using generally accepted accounting standards for prorating.

Because the immoral programs identified involve hundreds of billions of dollars, my adjusted tax for 2010 is actually negative, meaning that when you subtract my share of the money spent by the federal government on illegal aliens, abortions, and public radio, IRS actually owes me $25,578.

Kindly deposit $25, 578 in my bank account by April 15, 2011.

Thank you.

John W. Lillpop

Morality not money, you say? Perhaps that is not so goofy after all!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Unlike Obama, UK's Cameron "Gets it" on Islam

By John W. Lillpop

While President Barack Obama stubbornly and foolihly refuses to admit that the war on terror is essentially a war against Islamic extremists, British Prime Minister Dave Cameron has chosen a less politically correct, more honest, stance.

As reported, in part, at Reference 1:

David Cameron today pledged to make Britain ‘a lot less’ tolerant towards Islamic extremists who whip up hatred against the West.

In a major speech on terrorism, the Prime Minister argued that Britain has been too ‘passive’ towards organizations and preachers who poison the minds of young Muslims.

Mr. Cameron said Britain needs to be less tolerant and more judgmental when faced with ideologies that threaten the country’s basic values.

Signaling a major departure from Labor’s softly-softly approach, he suggested that to ‘belong’ in Britain, individuals must sign up to core values such as freedom of speech, the rule of law and democracy.

In a barely-concealed attack on the opposition, he will say:

‘It’s time to turn the page on the failed policies of the past.’
The Prime Minister pledged to end all public funding for groups which give succor to extremist views. And he called for action to ban extremists from radicalizing young people in universities, prisons and internet chat rooms.

At a security conference in Munich today, Mr. Cameron said: ‘Frankly, we need a lot less of the passive tolerance of recent years and much more active, muscular liberalism.’
Hear, hear, Mr. PM!

How refreshing to hear a leader of the free world tell it exactly “like it is.”

Meanwhile in the United States, our Commander-in-chief and President continues to ignore the truth, refusing even to use the word Islam in conjunction with discussions about terrorism.

What will it take to awaken Obama to the truth?

1 Read more:

Friday, February 4, 2011

Second Year of Obama Presidency Most “Polarizing” in 57 Years: Why?

By John W. Lillpop

As measured by a recent Gallup poll, Barack Obama’s second year in office was the most polarizing since 1953, when President Dwight Eisenhower was running the show.

As reported by Gallup poll (1), in part:

"President Barack Obama's job approval ratings were even more polarized during his second year in office than during his first, when he registered the most polarized ratings for a first-year president. An average of 81% of Democrats and 13% of Republicans approved of the job Obama was doing as president during his second year. That 68-point gap in party ratings is up from 65 points in his first year and is easily the most polarized second year for a president since Dwight Eisenhower.”

Obama’s poor showing is doubtlessly linked to the government take-over of health care, unflatteringly referred to as ObamaCare.

The president’s defiance of recent court rulings against ObamaCare will do little to rehabilitate his numbers.

Consider, please:

In a speech following that of Egyptian President Mubarak on February 1, President Obama said the following, in part:

“The process (transition)must include a broad spectrum of Egyptian voices and opposition parties. It should lead to elections that are free and fair. And it should result in a government that's not only grounded in democratic principles, but is also responsive to the aspirations of the Egyptian people.”

Interesting words, those, especially the part about the need for “a broad spectrum of voices and opposition parties” and a call for “government being responsive to the aspirations of the people.”

This moral talking-down from an aloof, elitist president who
presided over a corrupt process of manipulation to pass a socialized health care bill (ObamaCare), despite widespread opposition among the governed and the opposition party.

This blatant hypocrisy from an inexperienced community organizer who chose to bribe, deceive, lie, misrepresent, deny, extort, slander, obscure, hide, execute, mischaracterize, sabotage, and any and all other acts of sleight-of-hand chicanery and tom foolery needed to pass ObamaCare in cahoots with like-minded Marxists in Congress.

This condescending language from a wrong-minded, anti-capitalist renegade who chose to render the principle of democratic governance subservient to the wishes of the elitist governing class, including Congressional scalawags such as Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid who hold the will of the people in utter contempt.

Antonyms to the way in which President Obama handled health care include open, honest government, integrity, rule of law, Constitutional, fair, decent, democratic, representative, and American.

Unfortunately, Obama’s dictatorial behavior has extended beyond the criminal antics required to pass the controversial measure.

Indeed, two federal judges have independently ruled that ObamaCare is unconstitutional.

Furthermore, federal judge Roger Vinson ruled that as a result of the unconstitutionality of the "individual mandate" that requires people to buy insurance, the entire law must be declared void.

While Judge Vinson did not issue a specific injunction against implementation of ObamaCare, he clearly expected the Obama Administration to pull the plug on the flawed legislation, as evidenced by the following words from Vinson on the subject:

"...there is a long-standing presumption that officials of the Executive Branch will adhere to the law as declared by the court. As a result, the declaratory judgment is the functional equivalent of an injunction.”

“There is no reason to conclude that this presumption should not apply here. Thus, the award of declaratory relief is adequate and separate injunctive relief is not necessary."

Alas, to date the Obama Administration has simply ignored the ruling by Judge Vinson.

Is it any wonder, therefore, that Barack Obama is such a divisive figure?
