Saturday, February 28, 2009

Obama-speak Versus W. -Talk

Angels Gather for a Barack Obama Speech

By John W. Lillpop

The thing is, with President Bush you never quite knew for sure what he said. Asking him for a translation was a colossal waste of time, because W. himself could not untangle his garbled English into meaningful dialog.

Still, with the exception of excessive spending and pandering to illegal aliens, it was not all that important to understand W's exact words. He usually came down on the right side of issues like terrorism, taxes, and Supreme Court nominees, his corrupted English notwithstanding.

With the not-so-new kid now on the block at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the situation could not be more different.

When President Obama speaks, the angels of Heaven sing his praise and celebrate the glory of his words. This president is able to move mountains (but not real patriots with his high-minded eloquence.

Not since the days of Adolph Hitler has a world leader used his speaking ability to run thrills up and down the legs of political pundits and anti-semites as well.

There is rarely any doubt about what President Obama has just said, so clear and precise is his delivery. As it turns out, that is his biggest problem.

Obama's speech, though pristine and Camelot-like, falls prey to his ideological bent, which means another dose of wrong-minded Marxism.

Which is worse for America: A bumbling, English-challenged president who often gets it right in spite of himself, or a Hitler clone who always gets it wrong despite his gifted oratory?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Obama's Mortgage "Help" Express

By John W. Lillpop

You say your mortgage payments have risen to the point where you and your family have been forced to cut back on "necessities" like dining in upscale restaurants six nights a week, motoring about in luxury SUVs, and vacationing in Hawaii every six months, just to pay the mortgage holder every month?

You also say that you were "tricked" into buying that million dollar home, which is now worth about $300,000, by an unscrupulous loan officer who got you the loan with no money down, based on your "stated income" of $15,000 a month from your position as an apprentice for a plumber's assistant, a job you have held for all of three months?

You say that the loan officer explained that your initial monthly payments are a tad high because your credit has a few "dings" in the past two years and because your twelve credit cards are "maxed out" with $150,000 in unsecured debt?

You say that the lender has actually kept your payments from being far higher by getting you an "Option Arm" plan that starts at a teaser interest rate of 1 percent and which allows YOU to decide what your payment will be each month?

You say that your loan officer got you into a forty year term, an additional step to keep your payments as low as possible?

You say that no one really explained the terms "ARM" and "negative amortization" before you signed the loan documents?

Are those the things that are bugging you, bunky?

Fret no longer: CAHNGE is on the way!

The "Bail out Express," driven by President Barack Obama and co-drivers Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, will start its maiden journey of loan redemption throughout the land soon bringing with in $275 Billion in taxpayer money to hand out to the needy.

Qualifying for help is amazingly simple: The only requirement is that you be in default on your mortgage!

Upon confirmation of that vital fact, the Obama-Pelosi-Reid Bailout Team will immediately go to work on your behalf to get those payments cut by 50% or more!

How does a 30-year, fixed rate loan bearing an interest rate of five percent sound, bunky?

Remember, too, that with the savings that Obama-Pelosi-Reid will deliver, you will most likely have enough cash left over each month to buy another expensive home for speculation!

There is just one hitch--you must be in default.

Thus, the best advice one can give to any struggling homeowner is as follows:

Stop Making Your Mortgage Payments Immediately!

Remember: Government run by Democrats ALWAYS comes through for the little guy!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Senator Gregg Rejects Camelot: Huge Win for "Chattering Class!"

By John W. Lillpop

After the so-called economic stimulus bill passed the U.S. Senate earlier this week, Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) proudly celebrated the triumph of wasteful pork spending with these provocative words:

"And let me say this to all of the chattering class that so much focuses on those little, tiny - yes - porky amendments: the American people really don't care."

Needless to say, Schumer's opinion is not reflective of how the American people really feel, or how every one of the 178 Republicans in the House and the overwhelming majority of Republicans in the Senate feel.

Take Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH) for instance.

When news first broke that Senator Gregg had withdrawn his name from consideration as commerce nominee, my first reaction was that Obama's web of corruptive influence had extended its tentacles beyond the Democrat party to ensnare its first Republican victim.

Alas, my reaction was way off.

As it turns out, Senator Gregg withdrew because he finally realized that the Obama "stimulus" package was in fact nothing of the sort. He was also distressed by the proposed hijacking of the 2010 census by the White House.

Unlike other cabinet nominees (Democrats) who withdrew because of cheating on their taxes and other alleged criminal acts, Senator Gregg stepped back from the precipice of power because of principle, integrity, and selfless dedication to doing what is best for America.

As reported in the Washington Post, in part:

"New Hampshire Republican Sen. Judd Gregg has withdrawn his name from consideration as President Obama's commerce secretary, a major blow to an administration seeking to put a series of Cabinet problems behind it.

'It became clear to me to me that it would be very difficult day in and day out to serve in this Cabinet,' Gregg said in a press conference late Thursday. He added that in the days since he was nominated he realized that to be 'part of a team but not 100 percent with the team' was an untenable position.

"In his written statement, Gregg cited recent developments regarding the economic stimulus package and the decision to have the next census director report directly to senior White House officials as evidence that he and President Obama were too different ideologically for the pairing to work. 'This was simply a bridge too far for me," Gregg said of his decision.'

Boiled down to simple terms that even Senator Charles Schumer would understand, Senator Gregg went eyeball to eyeball with the truth and, when the dust had settled, the "Chattering Class" had scored a win.

God Bless Senator Gregg for refusing to join an administration whose policies are antithetical to the best interests of the American people, and for making personal gain secondary to the national interest.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Obama Works Magic at Town Hall Meeting: Only 2,999,999 More Jobs to Create!

By John W. Lillpop

When Julio Osegueda set out to attend a town hall meeting hosted by President Obama in Fort Myers, Florida, on Tuesday, the 19-year-old burger flipper probably had no idea that the new president would immediately intercede on his behalf and work an instant miracle to resolve Julio's employment problems.

As reported, in part, at the Oval (reference 1):

"It was quite a moment at the end of President Obama's town hall meeting in Fort Myers, Fla., yesterday. As The New Press writes, 19-year-old Julio Osegueda "rocketed from a Cape Coral teenager who flips burgers for $7.85 an hour at a McDonald's to an instant celebrity of sorts."

"And he got a temporary job.

"After the event, the newspaper adds, Osegueda: Picked up another job -- if just for a day -- as the color announcer for the Fort Myers Miracle baseball team's radio broadcast for its home opener April 10. The one-day gig typically pays $25, but the Miracle said the salary is negotiable.

"I'll be ready," he said about his debut."

Julio's experience confirms what levelheaded folk have been saying all along about the trillion-dollar joke that Democrats are trying to play on the American people.

Namely, any job created by government is certain to be very temporary, and not a cost-effective or common sense approach to the severe economic crisis our nation faces.

Nonetheless, after solving Julio's job crisis, Obama quickly moved to solve the homeless mess left by George W. Bush.

As further reported at the Oval:

"Also during Tuesday's town hall, a 61-year-old woman named Henrietta Hughes told the president that she and her 37-year-old son are homeless after having their house foreclosed. She asked for his help. Obama said he would, and his staff put Hughes in touch with local housing authority officials."

Now THAT is bold and creative! Put the woman in touch with local housing authorities! Why the hell didn't W. think like that?

The larger question: Isn't helping kids find jobs and matching homeless people with local authorities the sort of task assigned to community organizers, and way beneath the pay grade of the President of the United States?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

To Liberal Media, Obama "Stimulus" Is More Sexual Than Pig

Satire by John W. Lillpop

It all began when Chris Matthews, the Nutball who interviews himself while simultaneously expelling drivel and spit in prime time, remarked that he felt "a thrill running up and down my leg" when listening to Barack Obama speak.

At the time, some questioned Matthew's lack of journalistic objectivity; however, no one commented on Matthews' obvious lust for BHO.

Which is odd, because thrills running up and down a man's leg when another young man, of color or otherwise, is speaking means that the hypothalamus is sending an urgent message: This dude is cool.

Cool in a way that is not so cool to homophobes and other Americans stuck on straight!

Matthews' revelation was startling enough, but not nearly as dramatic as the recent column by Judith Warner of the New York Times, in which she wrote about her dream in which President Obama was taking a shower. (Reference 1).

As Warner wrote, in part, in her dilly, "As we all know, in journalism, two anecdotes are just one short of a national trend."

Two questions immediately demand attention: 1)Since when did the sexual fantasies of two-commie pinko biased journalists count for anything? and 2)Is seeing Obama as a sex object now a national trend?

To others, of course, Obama is merely the New Age Messiah. The Savior who will atone for your sins with red ink from that trillion dollar stimulus.

True to his Hawaiian-Kenyan roots, Obama has decided that the formal signing ceremony should take place in a luau party on the front lawn of the White House.

However, rather than roasting a pig as is customary at luaus, the president will announce that the first family has decided to abandon their search for a canine, and will instead make the Pig created by Obama-Pelosi-Reid the official White House pet.

Given the fact that the national debate is no longer about whether or not a Pig belongs in the White House, but is now concerned exclusively with how huge the Pig should be, I have decided to take a short sabbatical.

Which means that I will miss much of the doings of the New Age Messiah.

A compromise stirs in my brain: Wake me when we get to the Crucifixion part, bro!

Reference 1:

Monday, February 9, 2009

Obama's Bay of Pigs

Satire by John W. Lillpop

Several months after assuming power in 1961, President John F. Kennedy authorized the invasion of southwest Cuba by U.S. trained-immigrants exiled from Cuba. The idea was to overturn the communist dictatorship of Fidel Castro.

Ultimately, the operation was a miserable failure and was appropriately named the Bay of Pigs by proponents and opponents alike.

Forty-eight years later, America has elected a president who claims to be the heir apparent to the Kennedy legacy, including Camelot.

As such, Camelot Light, AKA, President Obama, has tried desperately to follow in the foot steps of JFK.

Unfortunately, Team Obama got its wires crossed. Instead of attacking Cuba, for example, Camelot Light attacked the U.S. military by ordering the watering hole for terrorists and terrorists in training at GITMO to be closed.

Not the same as JFK's focus, but it does involve Cuba!

Thanks to Camelot Light, anxious Americans should be able to sleep more securely knowing that 245 murderous terrorists will eventually be entitled to the same presumption of innocence conferred upon native born citizens, folks who rarely slice another person's throat from ear to ear because of religious preferences.

But President Obama's greatest Bay of Pigs moment, thus far, appears to be his collaboration with fellow liberals in the U.S. House and Senate on the outrageous stimulus farce, now approaching $1 trillion dollars.

As someone once famously said, "If it Looks Like a Pig, Squeals like a Pig, and Smells like a Pig, Then it probably IS a Pig!"

Democrats are offering up a real stinker of a pig, this one wallowing in red ink. No exceptions for those who observe Kosher or other dietary constraints.

Apparently, the idea is to bankrupt several future generations of Americans in one fell swoop, thereby installing socialism as the permanent replacement for free market capitalism.

It is all part of Obama's Grand Scheme to "spread the wealth," as explained to Joe the Plumber in Ohio.

Unfortunately, the stimulus package that Obama has in mind will spread poverty from sea to shining sea.

Which is fine with Democrats, because impoverished people always vote Democratic. Why not increase the liberal base by doing what liberals do best: Spend foolishly and waste taxpayer money on failed liberal concepts?

After all, if that $trillion dollar pig drags the American economy into the muck of depression, bleeding head liberals can always blame former President George W. Bush--for at least two more generations, or until the economy recovers.


Defrocking Camelot, One Tax Cheat at a Time

By John W. Lillpop

Two weeks ago, the world believed that the torch of Camelot had been passed from the disciples of John F. Kennedy to Barack Obama. Today, the world recognizes that Obama is more like Jimmy Carter than JFK.

Two weeks ago, Barack Obama had Republicans backed against a wall and all but defeated. Today, Senate Republicans, lead by Mitch McConnell (R-KY), are demanding CHANGE to the outrageous spending orgy masked as a job stimulus by the majority Democrats. Today, Obama is forced to listen.

Two weeks ago, much of the world assumed that Barack Obama was far too brilliant and blessed to make a mistake. Today, the world knows of at least three tax cheats that Obama tried to place into important cabinet posts, two of whom have since had the decency to withdraw, and a third whom had the audacity and arrogance to continue, with Obama's blessings.

Two weeks ago, Barack Obama was hailed as a technological wunderkid, the man who ended the reign of the boomer generation with his knowledge and use of the Internet, and all manners of high tech gadgets. Today, the world knows that Obama is incapable of using even the most simple, low-tech vetting tools to screen out tax cheats.

Two weeks ago, Barack Obama was seen as a beacon of hope for CHANGE throughout the world. Today, the world knows that the greatest need for immediate CHANGE is in the Oval Office and the man in charge there.

Two weeks ago, the world believed that an inexperienced community organizer with charisma and charm was just what the world needed. Today, the world realizes that being clean and articulate is not even close to being good enough!
