Friday, November 4, 2011

Jon Corzine: Another Corrupt, Inept Lefty Down!

By John W. Lillpop

Jon Corzine is one of the more contemptible weasels who earns a living by practicing financial malfeasance on a grand scale. So contemptible is he that deserves his own “Occupy” movement—Occupy Jon Corzine has a nice ring to it, no?

This wrong-minded Democrat, a huge supporter of Barack Obama, has been an equal opportunity destroyer in both government and the private sector in recent times.

As Governor of New Jersey, Corzine drove that state into financial ruin until voters elected Republican Chris Christie to clean-up the tax and spend mess drenched in the DNA of Jon Corzine.

Then it was back to the private sector and a stint as CEO and Chairman of MF Global Holdings.

Before much time passed, Corzine’s failure skills surfaced again, leading MF to bankruptcy as reported at reference 1 in part:

Jon Corzine has resigned as MF Global Holdings chief executive officer and chairman, the brokerage firm said Friday.

The former New Jersey governor and Goldman Sachs chief confirmed he will not seek severance pay in connection with his resignation from the bank, which filed for bankruptcy protection on Monday.

In the press release, Corzine said: “I have voluntarily offered my resignation to the board of directors of MF Global. This was a difficult decision, but one that I believe is best for the firm and its stakeholders.

“I feel great sadness for what has transpired at MF Global and the impact it has had on the firm’s clients, employees and many others, " he said in the statement. “I intend to continue to assist the company and its board in their efforts to respond to regulatory inquiries and issues related to the disposition of the firm’s assets.”
Reports circulated earlier had the fallen Corzine in line for a $12 million dollar bonus as a part of his severance. Apparently, common sense descended on the parties and the latest report has Corzine leaving without severance pay, which is more than he deserves given the fact that handcuffs and jail could have been applied.

Corzine’s heart-warming assurance that “I intend to continue to assist the company and its board in their efforts to respond to regulatory inquiries and issues related to the disposition of the firm’s assets,” should be viewed by as a direct threat to MF and its associates by an obviously disgruntled former employee.

So with MF vanquished, what is next for the bearded failure? A big role in the reelection campaign for Barack Obama perhaps?

In the interest of assuring that Obama is sent into permanent retirement on January 20, 2013, one can only hope and pray that Jon Corzine plays a huge role in the 2012 campaign!