By John W. Lillpop
Charles Rangel has spent 40 of his 80 years on this earth in Washington, D.C., living off the sweat and treasury of American taxpayers. Ordinarily, such long-term service would earn the office holder kudos for giving so much to his country.
However, this is Charles Rangel we are talking about. Poster child for Corruption, with a capital C. One of Nancy Pelosi’s trusted mentors on removing corrupt white Republicans from the People’s House, and turning it over to unsavory people of color, always Democrats as it turns out.
After a grinding ordeal played out over 2+ years and millions of dollars in legal fees, Charles Rangel was found guilty of 11 ethics violations and was sentenced to censure by the House.
Which is all well and good, but why is this corrupt moocher still allowed to wander the halls of Congress begging for a “drop of mercy” after evading taxes for lo those many years?
In blunt terms: Why has Charles Rangel not been arrested by the IRS for tax evasion?
After all, powerless citizens like yours truly will soon be subject to harassment by the IRS and a $5,000 fine for failing to buy ObamaCare!
You and me, sisters and brothers, will face the full force and fury of the U.S. government for refusing to follow an unconstitutional mandate from our Marxist president; yet, the fellow who just months ago was in charge of writing the tax laws failed to pay his taxes for years and is still a free man?
Where in the hell is the justice in that?
Most distressing is the fact that this bloated tax cheat wails like a stuck pig when called to account for his corrupt behavior by peers. He even demands that he be called “not corrupt.”
Elitist fools like Charles Rangel are exactly what the election results of November 2were all about.
Because he is so long in the tooth, some may believe that Rangel deserves a “break,” a kinder, gentler hand if you will.
I say, enough is enough!
A mild scolding is no way to deal with a CORRUPT weasel who has abused the public trust in order to enrich himself.
The solution? Arrest Charles Rangel for tax evasion, charge him with a felony or 13, and punish his fat bum to the full extent of the law.
After all, being 80 is no excuse for evading income taxes!