By John W. Lillpop
Lord, tell me, please, just how is it that the federal government, at least $13 trillion dollars in debt with no end to reckless spending in sight, is mandated to seize banks, and now credit unions, because of insolvency and inability to handle money responsibly?
Does any breathing entity really believe that Barack Obama and his tax-dodging pals at the U.S. Treasury are better able to manage assets than those beleaguered souls in charge at the failing banks?
Still, the federal government continues to rush in to “rescue” ever more institutions, driven to the edge of financial ruin by Marxists who believe the ancient myth, long ago disproved, that higher taxes, government meddling, and anti-business polices are vital keys to prosperity.
As reported at Reference 1, in part:
“Regulators on Friday shut down small banks in Florida and Washington state, bringing to 127 the number of U.S. bank failures this year on a wave of loan defaults and economic distress.
With 127 closures nationwide so far this year, the pace of bank failures exceeds that of 2009, which was already a brisk year for shutdowns. By this time last year, regulators had closed 95 banks.
The number of bank failures is expected to peak this year and be slightly higher than the 140 that fell in 2009. That was the highest annual tally since 1992, at the height of the savings and loan crisis. The 2009 failures cost the insurance fund more than $30 billion. Twenty-five banks failed in 2008, the year the financial crisis struck with force; only three succumbed in 2007.”
This crisis is also due, in large part, to crazed Democrats who contend that home ownership, regardless of income, employment history, immigration status, credit worthiness, available assets, and other reasonable standards, should be eschewed in order to spread the wealth.
After all, they say, home ownership is a constitutional right!
When and if fiscal sanity returns to Washington, D.C. in the form of a Republican revolution this November, the new congress must immediately commission a SWAT team to kick in the door of Timothy Geithner at the U.S. Treasury and seize all taxpayer assets being held hostage by the failed Bank of Obama!
While you are at it, patriots, have the SWAT team do lunch in Kentucky early in January and, while there, visit Fort Knox to see if there is anything in the vault other than a few thousand rusty, old Obama-Biden campaign buttons, and a few hundred thousand autographed copies of The Audacity of Hope buried in cob webs!
A National Priority: Shut down the Bank of Obama and declare the federal government, as currently constituted, unworthy of stewardship over the assets and wealth of the American people!
Ref 1 http://apnews.myway.com/article/20100925/D9IEMB381.html