Saturday, December 31, 2011

Time for Nancy Pelosi to Fulfill Promise to “Drain Swamp”—By Retiring!

By John W. Lillpop

Remember when Nancy Pelosi preached with righteous indignation about the need to “Drain the Swamp” in the U.S. House? She was, of course, referring only to corruption and scandal involving Republicans.

Indeed, Pelosi’s swamp cleaner failed to eradicate the likes of Charles Rangel, Maxine Waters, and Anthony Weiner.

Most significantly, Madam Speaker’s cleaning project left one particularly abusive member unscathed: Pelosi herself.

In a bit of great news, that oversight may be corrected in 2012. As reported in the media:

If Alexandra Pelosi knows her mother well, Christmas may have come just a few days late for Republicans.

Nancy Pelosi's daughter says her mother is ready to leave Congress but her donors won't let her.

"She would retire right now, if the donors she has didn’t want her to stay so badly," the younger Pelosi said in a phone interview with the website Big Government. "They know she wants to leave, though. They think she's destined for the wilderness. She has very few days left."

But Nadeam Elshami, a spokesman for Pelosi, told Politico that the former Speaker's daughter doesn't know what she is talking about.

"This may be wishful thinking on the part of a right-wing blog, but it is totally untrue," Elshami said. "When the day comes and Leader Pelosi’s work is done, she won’t be announcing it there."

The San Francisco-based Minority Leader is 71-years-old and has created a legacy as being one of the more polarizing liberal leaders.

She became the first woman to act as the Speaker of the House and she may reclaim that seat if the Democrats are able to take the House back next year.

Pelosi SHOULD retire to “spend more time with family” or to move on to areas where greater contributions can be made to humankind.

Forget about your base of “donors,” Nancy, and do the right thing for the American people and the future of America!

Finish draining the swamp by getting the hell out of the U.S. House!

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